Mystics, Praise, Trinity

Trinity Prayer – Richard Rohr

God For Us, we call You Father, God Alongside Us, we call You Jesus, God Within Us, we call You Holy Spirit. You are the Eternal Mystery That enables, enfolds, and enlivens all things, Even us and even me. Every name falls short of your Goodness and Greatness. We can only see who You are in what is. We ask…


Mystics, Need Or Trial

Able Holder God by Christine Mallouhi

As you hold meandering creeks and ravaging torrents, As you hold murky, still billabongs, You are the Able Holder of all our journeys.  Hold us in our many dyings. You are Able Holder of all our journey-ing, the wonderful, the wearying and the wild,  Enable us anew with your power, peace and presence. – By Christine Mallouhi, 2017.  – From Celtic…


Longing, Mystics, Need Or Trial

None Other – Christina Rossetti

None other Lamb, none other Name, None other hope in heaven or earth or sea, None other hiding place from guilt or shame, None beside Thee. My faith burns low, My hope burns low, Only my heart’s desire cries out in me, By the deep thunder of its want and woe, Cries out to Thee. Lord, thou art Life, though…


Holy Spirit & Pentecost, Mystics

O God The Holy Spirit – Christina Rossetti

O God the Holy Spirit, Light to your chosen ones Evermore shine in us. O God the fire of love, Evermore burn in us. God the Lord and Giver of Life, Evermore live in us. God who gives sevenfold grace, Evermore replenish us. As the wind is your symbol, So forward our goings. As the dove, so launch us heavenwards. As water, so purify our spirits. As…


Mystics, Old Age

Ageing Prayer – Terisa Of Avila

Lord, You know better than I know myself,that I am growing older and will someday be old.Keep me from the fatal habit of thinkingI must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving tostraighten out everybody’s affairs.Make me thoughtful but not moody;helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom,it seems a pity not…


Love, Mystics

Love Song – Terisa Of Avila

Majestic Sovereign, Timeless Wisdom,Your kindness melts my hard, cold soul. Beautiful Lover, Selfless giver,Your beauty fills my dull, sad eyes. I am yours, you made me.I am yours, you called me.I am yours, you saved me.I am yours, you loved me.Let me never leave your presence. Give me death, give me life.Give me sickness, give me health.Give me honour, give…


Holy Spirit & Pentecost, Mystics

Holy Spirit Comforting Fire – Hildegard of Bingen

Holy Spirit, Comforting fire, Life of all creation. Anointing the sick, cleansing body and soul, Fill this body! Holy Spirit, Sacred breath, Fire of love, Sweetest taste, Beautiful aroma, Fill this heart! Holy Spirit, Filling the world, from the heights to the deep, Raining from clouds, filling rivers and sea, Fill this mind! Holy Spirit, Forgiving and giving, uniting strangers,…


Mystics, Poets

Unless You Lead Me

I cannot dance Lord, unless you lead me. I can leap with abandonWhen you, Lord, set the song. Then shall I leap into love, From love into knowledge, From knowledge into joy,And from joy to something beyond human experience.There I want to remain, yet You call me to circle higher still. – Mechthild of Magdeburg (1207 – 1282AD)

Christmas, Love, Mystics

How Miraculous A King Would Bow – Hildegard of Bingen

How miraculous – that a king stoop to enter the world of the ordinary, of the commoner, of His subject, of woman. But God did this. Why? Because humility, ever the lowliest of the low, always rises and triumphs- over everything else. And didn’t that woman know the greatest happiness? Cleaning up the ugly first mess, in its place she set a beautiful bouquet:…


Longing, Mystics, Short

Circle Prayer

Jesus – send your angels to encircle us! Keep protection near, And danger far.   Jesus – encircle us! Keep hope within, And doubt without.   Jesus – encircle us! Keep light near, And darkness far.   Jesus – encircle us! Keep peace with in, Drive evil out.   – Rick Zweck – Often used with the Labyrinth

Mystics, Need Or Trial, Short

O Eternal Lord – Hildegard Of Bingen

O eternal Lord, it is pleasing to you to burn in that same fire of love, like that from which our bodies are born, and from which you begot your Son in the first dawn before all of Creation. So consider this need which falls upon us, and relieve us of it for the sake of your Son, and lead…
