Biblical, Creation, Praise, Trinity

Trinity Christ Canticle

This corporate prayer is a poetic translation of Proverbs 8:22-36… I was there at the very beginning of God’s work: the first work, the act, the first move!       We praise you Christ – the wisdom of God! I was there from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.       We praise you Christ – the wisdom of God!…


Creation, Thanksgiving

Psalm Of The Cosmos

Loving God, loving God,all creation calls you blessed,and so do we, and so do we. Loving God,all your creation calls you blessed.Your spirit imprints the whole universe with life and mystery.Yes, all creation proclaims your love.We now join this chorus of praise. Loving God,all of nature calls you blessed,and so do we. For you have woven an intimate tapestryand call…


Creation, Praise

Creation Praise – Francis of Assisi

Most High, all powerful, good Lord,to you all praise, glory and honour and all blessing;to you alone, Most High, they belongand no one is worthy of naming you. Praised by you, Lord God,with all your creatures,especially Brother Sun,who brings day, and by whom you enlighten us;he is beautiful, he shines with great splendour,of you, Most High, he is a symbol.…


Celtic, Creation, Journey & Travel, Trinity

Ocean Prayer

  God the Father, all-powerful, all loving, Jesus, the Son of tears and sorrow, With thy co-assistance, O Holy Spirit! The Three-One, ever-living, ever-mighty, everlasting, Who brought the Children of Israel through the Red Sea, And Jonah to land from the belly of the great creature of the ocean, Who brought Paul and his companions in the ship, From the…


Celtic, Creation, Work

Gardener’s Prayer

Bless, Lord God, my little plot of land, and the strength with which I’m tilling it, bless the seed I’m carefully planting, and the prayers I’m sowing with it.   Bless the seasons that are coming, and the sunshine and the rain. Bless the days and shortening nights, and the hopes of my small barn.   Bless, O Father of good…



Gardener’s Prayer

Bless, O God, my little plot of land, and the strength with which I’m tilling it, bless the seed I’m carefully planting, and the prayers I’m sowing with it. Bless the seasons that are coming, and the sunshine and the rain. Bless the days and shortening nights, and the hopes of my wee bairn. Bless, O Father of good giving,…


Creation, Thanksgiving, Work

Harvest Prayer – John Birch

Creator God, for daily bread and all who work to bring your harvest home we bring our thanks today. (pause) Forgive our ingratitude we who have so much yet waste what you have given. (pause) For those whose harvest is poor, whose crops have withered, water tainted, children starve, help those who bring relief and bestow on us an unaccustomed…


Ancient, Creation, Praise

Prayer Of Praise – St Gregory of Nazianzus

O God, You alone are unutterable, from the time you created all things that can be spoken of. You alone are unknowable, from the time you created all things that can be known. All things cry out about you, those which speak, and those which cannot speak. All things honour you; those which think, and those which cannot think. For…


Blessing, Creation, Peace

Deep Peace Blessing

Deep peace of the shining star to you, Deep peace of the running wave to you, Deep peace of the quiet earth to you, Deep joy of the leaping fire to you, Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. – An adaptation of an old Celtic Blessing – By Sister Susan, Nada Hermitage, Colorado

Ancient, Creation, Mystics

Prayer Of Praise – St Patrick

Our God, God of all, God of heaven and earth, seas and rivers, God of sun and moon, of all the stars, God of high mountain and lowly valley, God over heaven, and in heaven, and under heaven. God who fills heaven and earth and sea and in all things that are in them. Who inspires all things, who gives life…


Creation, Holy Spirit & Pentecost

Holy Spirit River Flow

O Holy Spirit of Christ, Like a mountain stream rushing and flowing on. Carry us in the river of Your love and transport us gloriously, effortlessly, to the ocean of Your grace. Amen. This prayers has rewritten from the source. The original version is found at and used under Creative Commons License.

Creation, Need Or Trial, Pain

During A Storm

Heavenly Father, Be with us in this storm. We see your greatness and our weakness. We see your almighty power over all. O Lord we are helpless and in need of protection. Abide with us, stay with us in this storm. Protect our home, our crops, and our people. We trust you Jesus, The One who stilled the wind and…
