Celtic, Journey & Travel

A Prayer For Journeying

A prayer for journeying. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit be shielding and saving me, as Three and as One, by my kneee, by my back, by my side, each step of the stormy world. – From  Carmina Gadelica – Submitted by Christine

Celtic, Creation, Journey & Travel, Trinity

Ocean Prayer

  God the Father, all-powerful, all loving, Jesus, the Son of tears and sorrow, With thy co-assistance, O Holy Spirit! The Three-One, ever-living, ever-mighty, everlasting, Who brought the Children of Israel through the Red Sea, And Jonah to land from the belly of the great creature of the ocean, Who brought Paul and his companions in the ship, From the…


Journey & Travel, Short

Lent Prayer

Christ of the wildernessChrist of the unknowingChrist of the fearful spaces In every stepwalk with us In each placeopen our eyes To see the wellspringswhere you wait for us O come to usChrist who knowsthe holy wayof the wilderness Amen Adapted by Doug from a blessing by Jan Richardson.

Celtic, Journey & Travel

When I Travel – Saint Columba

I may travel alone yet I’m never alone, for you, my God, are always with me;   there is no need to be afraid   when the Lord of day and night   is always here. Within your hand   I am much safer   than with an armed band. St Columba 521-597AD, Iona

Journey & Travel, Work

Aviator’s Prayer

Eternal God, Who makes the winds and clouds obey, You protect the eagle in it’s flight, And the dove seeking safety. Uphold me as I soar above land and sea, Pilot my ship safely through the sky. Be with me at takeoff and landing, And let me not lose my way. Above all, Keep me in your grace, And let…


Journey & Travel

Camino Call – Rick Zweck

Although not strictly a prayer, these words frame prayer and are a prayerful call to enter into the journey of God’s presence. Set out! You were born for the road. Set out! You have a meeting to keep. Where? With whom? You’ll see. Set out! Your steps will be your words, The road your song, The weariness your prayers, And…


Journey & Travel, Work

A Sailor’s Prayer

Lord of earth, sea and sky, You rule the mighty deep, You rule the uttermost part of the sea, Even there your hand will lead me, Your right hand will uphold me. You are my compass, My lighthouse, My safe haven in the storm, Your grace surpasses the mightiest wave- Protect me from raging winds and treacherous billows! May your…


Celtic, Journey & Travel

The Journey Prayer – St Brendan

  God, bless to me this day, God bless to me this night; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life. God, bless the pathway on which I go; God, bless the earth that is beneath my sole; Bless, O…


Celtic, Journey & Travel

Journey & Journey’s End – Boethius

O Father, give the spirit power to climb To the fountain of all light, and be purified. Break through the mists of earth, the weight of the soil, Shine forth in splendour, you that are calm weather, And quiet resting place for souls. To see you is the end and the beginning, You carry us, and you go before, You…


Blessing, Celtic, Journey & Travel

May The Road Rise Up To Meet You

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.   – An Old Gaelic Traveller’s Blessing