Morning, Orthodox, Trinity

St Basil’s Morning Prayer

As I rise from sleep I thank You, O Holy Trinity, for through your great goodness and patience. You were not angry with me for my laziness and sin! You have not destroyed me in my sins! You showed Your love for people! When I was flattened by despair You raised me up to keep the morning watch and praise You! And now…


Confession, Lent & Cross, Orthodox

Lent Prayer – St Ephraim Of Syria

Lord God and Master of my life, take away from me the spirit of laziness, despair, lust of power, and cheap talk. Replace it with your Spirit of faithfulness, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Lord and King, Help me to see my own fault and sin, And not to judge my brother. Blessed are You, for all eternity. Amen.  …


Lent & Cross, Need Or Trial, Orthodox

Protection Prayer – St Basil

Blessed are You, O Lord, Master Almighty, Who lights the day with the light of the sun illuminates the night with flashes of fire, Who calls us to pass through the length of the day and to draw near to the beginning of the night; hear our prayer and the prayer of all You people; and as you have forgiven all our sins hear…


Morning, Orthodox, Work

St Philaret’s Morning Prayer

Lord, give me the strength to greet the coming day in peace. Help me in all things to rely on Your holy will. Reveal Your will to me every hour of the day. Bless my dealings with all people. Teach me to treat all people who come to me throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction…


Orthodox, Praise, Trinity

Orthodox Glorias 3

A continued collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee, giving us light Glory to Thee, loving us with love so deep, divine and infinite Glory to Thee, blessing us with light, and with the host of angels and saints Glory to Thee, Father all-holy, promising us a share in Thy Kingdom Glory…


Orthodox, Praise

Orthodox Glorias 2

A continued collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee, satisfying my desires with good things Glory to Thee, watching over me day and night Glory to Thee, curing affliction and emptiness with the healing flow of time Glory to Thee, no loss is irreparable in Thee, Giver of eternal life to all…


Orthodox, Praise

Orthodox Glorias 1

A collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee for calling me into being Glory to Thee, showing me the beauty of the universe Glory to Thee, spreading out before me heaven and earth Like the pages in a book of eternal wisdom Glory to Thee for Thine eternity in this fleeting world…


Orthodox, Praise

The Gloria Canticle

Glory to God, who has shown us the Light! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will to all. We praise You, We bless You, We worship You, We glorify You, We give thanks to You for Your great glory. O Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty, O Lord, the Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ,…


Ancient, Orthodox, Praise

Glory & Praise – Ephraim of Syria

I give you glory, O Christ, because you, the only begotten, the Lord of all things, who alone are without sin, gave yourself to die for me, a sinner unworthy of such a blessing: you died the death of the cross to free my sinful soul from the bonds of sin. What shall I give you, Lord, in return for…


Mystics, Orthodox, Preaching & Reflecting

Life In You – John Cassian

Lord God, You are the greatest and holiest mystery. Be all of my love, all my hope, all my striving; let my thoughts and words flow from you, my daily life be in you, and every breath I take be of you.   – St John Cassian 360-435AD.  Also known as John the Ascetic, or John Cassian the Roman.  He learned…
