Aussie, Lament, Prayer Of Church

Prayer For Rain

Good and Gracious God

You are Lord of creation, by and through you Word all things came into being. Creator God, we pray for those areas of our country where drought has lingered long and where the land has become grey and desolate with waiting. Lord, pour out your blessings of rain upon the parched and thirsty regions of our nation. Would you bring hope, when everything seems hopeless, life, where we are surrounded by the everyday reminder of death, comfort when there is only the dust of despair.

We bring before you those who daily look out on a bleak, desolate landscape. We ask that they might not fall into the deep pit of hopelessness. May they know you are near.

For those facing the threat of fire, keep them safe. We name them in our hearts. For those bravely protecting others from this threat, give them courage and wisdom as they face each new day.

For those who have lost homes and possessions, bring your comfort and a perspective that might see beyond the charred remains of life to a brighter and more hopeful future.

When all is dust and ashes, help us Lord, lift us up from the pit, so that even when all seems grey and comfortless we may know that there is life and hope and that we might yet rejoice in the Lord.

  • Prayed at Australian Lutheran College (ALC) 13th September 2019