Aussie, Lament

Love & Lament For Straya

Love And Lament On Australia Day


Dear God,

Thanks for ‘Straya’.

For cricket and barbies at the beach,

For the bush and the open sky, for our simmering summer!

I truly do love Your ‘land of the long weekend’.


Today I am filled with love and lament for ‘Straya’.


I pray for those who ‘Straya’ has hurt:

For the First Owners of this land,

Who find this day painful.

For the traditional custodians,

For whom ‘Straya Day’ marks the beginning of untold death,

And who have been pushed to the margins of the land.


I pray for those who ‘Straya’ has hurt:

For those in detention centres,

For children locked up,

For those who flee here for peace only to find prejudice,

For those who make our clothing in sweatshops while we rest,

For those who make our iPads and computers far away,

While we enjoy peace and plenty.


Today I am filled with love and lament for ‘Straya’.

I wonder if this is how you felt for Jerusalem?

You loved her and lamented her.

She welcomed you and betrayed you.

Love and lament,

For ‘Straya’.


Jesus teach us to love and lament,

In the right measure.

Teach us to love a good Aussie beer and a chop on the barbie,

Teach us to lament our nation’s prejudice, drunkeness, fear, and unwillingness to share.


Lord Jesus, save Straya.

Help us to celebrate the beauty among us,

Make us bold to loudly lament the evil,

Seek out those for whom ‘Straya Day’ is a funeral,

Make us walk with those who ‘Straya’ spat out,

Teach us to enlarge our concept of nationhood,

And become a beacon of hope for the world,

So we can all be Proud of this day.



– January 26th, 2015.  Matt.